How Leveraging Private Sector Resources For Green Infrastructure Can Achieve Multiple Public Goals
December 4, 2017
CWP Featured In Local HOA Newsletter
February 23, 2018Prince George’s County, Maryland, has launched one of the biggest and highest-profile stormwater P3s in the Chesapeake Bay region. Driven by a need to restore water quality and comply with federal stormwater mandates, the Clean Water Partnership is achieving better-than-expected results in cost savings and number of projects installed. The partnership is unique in its ambitious geographic scale and in that it integrates local economic development as a core program goal. Adam Ortiz, Director of the Prince George’s County Department of the Environment, describes what motivated the County to pursue a P3, explains the difference between a P3 and privatization, and shares early successes of the partnership. He also offers three questions a community should ask when wondering, “Will a P3 work for me?”