CWP Participates In PGC SDDD’s County Connections Event
May 21, 2018
CWP Strategic Partner Assedo Consulting Presents At National Meeting & Training Conference of COMTO
August 20, 2018We are excited to begin our Phase 2, year one stormwater retrofit and educational program at thirteen Prince George’s County schools and recently held a outreach session with Larry McRae, Principal at Tall Oaks High School and Afie Mirshah-Nayar, Principal at Largo High School.
During the session, the principals and their staff met with the CWP Outreach Team and discussed upcoming stormwater projects at their respective schools. PGSPS staff also learned about other project updates, as well as, had a question and answer session.
The CWP Schools Program incorporates a community-based approach engaging school facilities staff, educators, students, and community members in every element of the BMP process. Educators and students gain experience and confidence while using the BMP projects in the classroom.
Additionally, students and volunteers participate in planting native plants and adding mulch to complete a BMP installation. Interpretive signage provides BMP information, BMP benefits, visuals and illustrations which describe the most common pollutants affecting stormwater runoff in the area.
CWP outreach staff and PGCPS staff reviewing upcoming plans for their respective schools.
To learn more about the CWP Schools Program, click here.